Journal Articles


McDine, David A. , Livingston, I.J. , Thomas, Nicole A. and Elias, Lorin J.(2010)  Lateral biases in lighting of abstract artwork, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, First published on: 09 June 2010


Peer Reviewed Long & Short Conference Papers


Gerling, K., Livingston, I.J., Nacke, L.E., Mandryk, R.L. 2012. Full-Body Motion-Based Game Interaction for Older Adults. In Proceedings of CHI 2012, Austin, TX, USA.


Livingston, I.J., Nacke, L.E., Mandryk, R.L., Influencing Experience: The Effects of Reading Game Reviews on Player Experience, 10th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC'11), 89-100., Vancouver, BC Canada. (long paper)

Stanley, K., Livingston, I.J., Bandurka, A., Hashemian, M., Mandryk, R.L., Gemini: A Pervasive Accumulated Context Exergame, 10th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC'11), 65-76., Vancouver, BC, Canada. (long paper)

Livingston, I.J., Nacke L.E. Mandryk, R.L., The Impact of Negative Game Reviews and User Comments on Player Experience, Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games, Sandbox '11,  25-29. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (long paper)



Livingston, I. J., Mandryk, R. Stanley, K., Critic-Proofing: How Using Critic Reviews and Game Genres can Refine Heuristic Evaluations, In Proceedings of Future Play 2010, Vancouver, Canada. 72-79. (long paper)


Stanley, K., Livingston, I.J., Bandurka, A., Kapiszka, R., Mandryk, R.L. 2010. PiNiZoRo: A GPS-based Exercise Game for Families. In Proceedings of Future Play 2010, Vancouver, Canada. 1-4. (short paper)



Wong, N., Tang, A., Livingston, I.J., Gutwin, C., Mandryk, R. (2009), Character Sharing in World of Warcraft,  Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW'09), 343-362. (long paper)


Peer Reviewed Workshop Papers


Livingston, I.J., Nacke, L.E., Mandryk, R.L. (2010). Critic-Proofing: Robust Validation Through Data-Mining. In Playability and player experience: Proceedings of the Fun and Games 2010 Workshop, pp.81-94, NHTV Expertise Series 10.



Livingston, I.J. (2011), The Critical Effect: Evaluating the Effects and Use of Video Game Reviews, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan. Published: June 2011

Lectures and Presentations


"Players and Characters: The Social-Psychology of Games" Guest Lecture at the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science, CMPT 398: Game Mechanics March 25th, 2010.

 (slides) This is a big 14Mb file

"History of Games" Guest Lecture at the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science, CMPT 106: Design and Construction of Games and Interactive Systems February 4th, 2010.



"Tips for a Successful Project" Guest Lecture at the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science CMPT 371: Software Management, January 12th, 2009.


Media Publications


"Philis's Muse" Honourable Mention, Game Design Challenge: Photographic Interpretation #2, Game Career Guide, January 12th, 2010.

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